Now, Vin here has got a particularly lovely visage, but then there are lots of guys with lovely faces, amiright? So, he decided to step it up a notch and get loads of random words tattooed on his truly lovely face so he could basically take over the world.
But some have questioned his choice of mots justes to have permanently etched on his face. There’s fame across his forehead, guilty between his brows and, of course, sex bomb on his collarbone. He’s also got chest hair tattooed onto his shaven chest. Righto.
Vin says of his reasoning behind the interesting body art: ‘As a model, I wanted to create an image that fits exactly with the current popular culture. I love everything that is sensational and unusual!’. He claims he makes his designs ‘intentionally ugly’ to take people out of their comfort zone and ‘play with the design aesthetics’.
We’re rooting for you Vin but just in case you one day regret your tat choices, there’s always Alan Sugar’s new skincare clinics, which offer laser tattoo removal with a free consultation:
Best. Twitter. Timing. Ever.
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